In addition to aiding with the technical side of business management, Standard Books also helps to keep an eye on customer relations, by offering an overview of all customer-related operations.
Gather all the operation data in the same customer relations management (CRM) module and see how Standard books improves the efficiency of your enterprise. Excellent customers can use the module 3 months for free!
Who needs customer management module?
Customer relations are important to any enterprise, which is why the customer management software is useful to most companies. Even if it may seem that a micro enterprise comprised of 1-2 employees would not have a need for such software, it might be useful to consider future boost in operations and where it is most profitable to invest your time. The earlier you gather your customer operations in one place, the easier it is to handle them later.
Standard Books customer relations management software is aimed at all team members, regardless of their role. The module provides a 360-degree overview of all your customers, including contact details, contract and offer-related data, correspondence and other important customer information, which needs to be entered only once, after which it can be displayed under different views. The whole application has been integrated, any changes are displayed in real time to all participants.
What can customer relations management module do for me?
Customer management module keeps all enterprise and customer related data in one location, which is why you don’t have to waste time to enter data several times or search it from different locations.
Standard Books customer management module includes information on all customer operations:
Clear and well-ordered project management
Gathering information in one location helps to save time and raise work efficiency.
- Provides an overview and helps to find required data quickly.
- Shared system provides sustainability for project management in case of employee absence or replacement.
- It is not necessary to search for required information and data from various different databases or systems, which helps to save time and increase customer satisfaction.
- Access to documents at any time, regardless of location or device.
Sales operations and customer overview
Client communications and thorough background information improves sales efficiency.
- Share information and news with customers who are affected by this.
- Be up to date with customer needs and current situation.
- Sales pipe helps to monitor the whole sales process (offers, orders, operations).
- Direct queries to the information register ensure thorough customer information.
Planning and customer communications
- Plan your work and get updates on what your colleagues are doing,
- Get an overview of planned and required customer operations.
- Send e-mails, notifications and keep yourself up to date with current operations.
Excellent employs over 30 people, who all have their roles. All of our employees use the customer management module in their daily work. With HAL special solutions, we have customized the module according to the needs and business specifics of our company.
Kristi Piper, project manager
“As a project manager, it is very important for me that this software lets me send e-mails and offers to our customers directly, and also keep an eye on the bigger picture thanks to customer history and sales pipe functions. In addition to this, the customer management module also allows to compose documents in the same software and send them with a few mouse clicks straight to the customer, without having to save the documents over and over again. This helps to save a lot of time in project management.
If you have large customer bases and volumes, it is hard to have a clear overview of what is going on with the customers. CRM module helps to solve this problem as well – all documents, calls, offers, orders, projects and e-mail correspondence is saved in every customer’s personal history or the customer’s current report. This gives me an overview of customer operations even when I have been on vacation or have to substitute for my colleagues unexpectedly.
Sales pipe keeps me up to date with sales processes. It gives a good overview of pending offers, orders, projects and reminds if something needs my attention. I like working like this and the customers are also happier. “
Kristiina Nurmsalu, consultant
„Working support line brings me into daily contact with Standard Books users, which is why time planning has a critical value for my work. This is why I find the calendar function to be most important part of the customer management module, as it helps me plan my tasks and operations.
An important part of my daily work involves customer communications, and thanks to customer management module I can do this directly using the same software – it gives me contact details and other relevant information from the same location. I can also see the whole customer history, which shows the programs and packages that the customer uses or their previous reasons for contacting us. I could not imagine using a separate program for communicating with customers.“
Triinu Kase, service manager
„In addition to calendar and the direct customer communications functions, I also appreciate the personal archive function, which allows to gather all the registries, letters, reports and documents, which I use in my work. This makes customer data collection and later search operations both easier and quicker.
For managers, CRM module also offers many great options for planning and monitoring team work.“
Heiki Maasik, ERP sales manager
„CRM module is very helpful, because it is easy to learn, and easy to acquire correct working methods. The software does half the work for you – it remembers all necessary things and notifies you promptly of anything that will need your attention. It is also good for team management and task delegations. At the start of the work day, it will inform you of what is planned for today and what must be done and I can see the same information for other members of the sales team.
Just a few clicks give me access to the calendar and working tasks of my colleagues. The sales pipe shows me the current state of any customer, which allows me to be up to speed with all customer events, sales statistics and storage and sales situations. I do not need activity reports from other team members. I can view them myself, which helps to save time for all of us.
In sales work, we also value background checks before entering customer relationships with anyone. Standard Books allows direct credit information queries to the Information Register. In case of new customers, this is an invaluable function.
Grete Põdder, cloud service administrator
„CRM module is highly multi-functional and allows us to work more efficiently. This module is important for the management of both the customers and the employees. My most important tool is the calendar – this includes all of my daily tasks. The calendar makes planning my work tasks easier and allows me to monitor the schedules of other employees. I can add work tasks for myself and for other employees. The software both speeds up and simplifies internal communications – i can direct e-mails to other employees, appoint people responsible, leave comments. The most important thing is that I can be up to date with all customer related activities, because all activities are recorded in customer history. This speeds up customer communications and allows for better and faster solutions to any issues”
Lenno Oja, CEO
„As CEO, it is important for me to always keep the big picture in mind. This for the team, employees and also the customers. CRM module is a part of my daily work, I start and end my work days with this.“
If you are not yet using the customer management module for your daily operations, then write to us at or call +372 669 1113