Accounting software with the widest options in Estonia!

Standard Books accounting software has nearly 30 different options that support the day-to-day business operations of companies. In addition, we have developed convenient special solutions for companies whose fields of activity are maintenance services, real estate management, sales and warehouse management, water and heat companies or accounting offices. Feel free to contact us if you need a special solution for automating your company’s work processes!

Advantages of Standard Books accounting software


Kasuta pangaliideseid ja hoia kokku aega andmete sisestuselt. Saada tasumisi otse programmist (LHV, SEB, SWED, COOP) ja päri teiste pankade väljavõtteid (Luminor, Citadele jt)


Toetame kõiki e-arvete operaatoreid. Vali endale sobiv ning säästa igapäevaprotsessidelt väärtuslikku aega.


Koosta paari hiireklikiga ärianalüüsi graafikuid, mida on lihtne lingi või failina jagada teistele töötajatele.


Standard Books klienditugi on kiirelt kättesaadav ning meil on Sinu küsimusega tegelemiseks alati aega.


Tänu arvutisse installeeritud kasutajaliidesele on arvutis tehtavad toimingud oluliselt kiiremad.


Raamatupidajale ülioluline võimalus teha tööd erinevates tarkvara akendes paralleelselt.


Säästa aega ja tee elu mugavamaks kasutades erinevateks toiminguteks just sulle sobivaid klahvikombinatsioone.


Leia põhiaknast vajalik info kiirelt! Töölauale saad lisada erinevaid linke, arhiive, aruandeid jpm, millele on vaja kiiresti ligi pääseda.

System audit helps make accounting software work for you

A system audit is a service that an Excellent consultant performs with the client to find deficiencies and gain confidence that the accounting software is set up correctly.

Standard Books software users

Our software is used by more than 30,000 companies

Real estate management
Sales and warehouse
Maintenance service
Heat and water

Property management: Manage the real estate portfolio comfortably in one system

Standard Books accounting software has several smart solutions for managing your real estate. The entire data set related to the managed real estate (objects, surfaces, meters, devices, etc.) is located in the same place. See more!

Warehouse management solution from goods receipt to labels

Standard Books accounting software inventory management is comprehensive, user-friendly and automated. Warehouse management can be very easy! See more!

Accounting office: Automate your accounting quickly and conveniently!

Standard Books accounting software is affordable for the accountant: manage up to 200 companies for one monthly fee! We have excellent customer support and plenty of different options already in the standard package. See more!

Everything necessary to organize maintenance service of the devices

With Standard Books accounting software, you manage all processes related to your company’s equipment easily and conveniently. See more!

Fully automated solution!

With Standard Books accounting software, managing customer readings from transmission to billing is smooth and fast. See more!

Standard Books integrations

Integrations ( 138 )

Kristi Piper
project manager

Interested? Try it for free!

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Interested? Try it for free!

Find out more about the possibilities of Standard Books business software: leave your e-mail and we will contact you personally.

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